Music Licensing Resources


LicenseQuote Help pages

The tracks list page

A ‘track’ is the combination of an audio file and its associated meta-data. For more info about tracks, names and metadata

Click on ‘Tracks/Songs’ to see your tracks list.

  1. Use the Brand filters to narrow down the tracks displayed.
  2. Tracks can be edited or deleted by highlighting a track and clicking on ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’.
  3. Tracks be sorted by Track Name, Artist, Catalog, Rate Card used, or Sort Number.
  4. Use the ‘Search’ field to search for a track by name or any other metadata field.
  5. To hide a track from your store, uncheck the check box.
  6. Click the preview button to listen to the track and to make sure the preview file you set is working correctly.

Buttons on the top right:

‘Import Export’ – Import and Export your meta-data. More info here.

‘Configure’ - Configure any additional custom fields for adding any more meta-data fields for you private use or/and store search parameters. An overview can be found here. [Link to D2]

‘Brands’ – Quick link to Edit your Catalog, Album and Artist data. Same as the ‘Profile & Brands’ page.

‘Delete All’ – Delete all tracks. Be careful!

Featured Tracks

There are a number of ways of prioritizing the order tracks for display in your store. One of these ways it called ‘Featured’. Tracks can be assigned a number from 1 to 50, and the track with the lowest number appears first followed by the next highest number and so on. This could be used for featuring a Top 10 list on your store for example.

To feature a track first highlight the track, then click ‘Feature’…

… and assign a number to the track.

For this to work your tracks need to be sorted by ‘Featured’ on the ‘Store & Settings’ page. More details about that can be found here.

The top of the page counters lists how many tracks your plan allows vs. how many you used. Note that submitted tracks are counted as well. Mixes (sub-tracks) are not usually counted.

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