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Editing price-matrixes

To edit a rate card’s Price Matrix, click on the ‘Edit’ link:

Click ‘Pricing Matrix’ > ‘Edit’ to view the pricing matrix:

Click the plus sign to open the folder and reveal all the license types:

Or click the ‘Expand All’ button to reveal all the license types details.

In our example, at the top, you see the data for the pricing calculator for the first license type - ‘Advertising Rates – Radio’ This set Base Price for the license is $75. This is the starting price and will increase according to the customer selected options (listed here below it).

The price of this license type has been set up to change depending on the territory that the customer needs the license for (but can be set to any kind of criteria).

“Worldwide” has a multiplier of 8. This means that the price for Worldwide will be 8 x Base Price = $600. The price for national would be 4.8 x Base Price = $360.

Click the ‘Test’ button and select ‘Advertising Rates – Radio’ to see this in action.

To edit the Base Price, click on ‘Advertising Rates – Television – Base Price 75’ and then click on the yellow pencil. You can edit both the name and the price. Click the green V mark when done.

To edit ‘Worldwide – Multiplier: 8’ click on it and use the yellow pencil and green V mark in the same way.

You can backup and restore price matrixes (even between different accounts) using the ‘Export’ and ‘Import’ buttons.

Adding a Category to an empty Price Matrix

To get started, each Price-Matrix needs to have at least one Category.

Click on ‘Add Category’ and type your new category name (“My Basic” in this case), and click the green V mark.

Click the small black plus sign to the left of the folder to open the folder.

Adding License Types and Properties to a Price Matrix

Click on ‘Add Type’ and enter (for example): ‘TV Commercials’ and Base Price = 1200 and click the green V mark.

In the same way, open the folder and click on ‘Add Property’. This is where we set up properties that affect the base price of the License Type.

Properties Calculation Example

Type ‘Territory’ and leave the radio button on ‘Properties’. Click the green V mark.

Open the folder and click on ‘Add Value’ and in the first box write ‘Worldwide’ and in the Multiplier box write ‘4’.

Then click on the next ‘Add Value’ and type ‘National’ and ‘2.5’. Then ‘Regional’ / ‘1.5’ and ‘Local’ / ‘1’

Click the ‘Test’ button to see this in action.

Now click on the next ‘Add Property’ so that we can account for multiple versions if the commercial.

Type ‘Number of Versions’ and click the green check.

Click the cross and ‘Add Value’ and type ‘1 Version’ and Multiplier = ‘1’, then ‘2 Versions’ and Multiplier =  ‘1.5’, then ‘3 Versions’ and Multiplier =  ‘2’

Click the ‘Test’ button to see this in action.

Note that if you give the multiplier a value of ‘-1’, it will not do a calculation. An example when this would be useful would be if a customer wanted a high volume of versions and you would rather force them to talk to contact you so you can give them a custom quote. In this case, you would enter in the ‘Add Value’ field ‘Contact us for a quote’ and a Multiplier value of ‘-1’.

Per Copy Add

A second way of calculating rates is using the “Per Copy Add’ Option. This takes the base price and adds a fixed amount multiplied by the number of copies the customer has entered.

In the next example, we will sell one property for “1-3 versions” of a tv commercial and another property for “4-6 versions”.

It’s much easier to use the “Per Copy Add” for calculations like this than it is to use the Properties multiplier.

Click on “TV Commercials – Base Price: 1200” and click the red delete icon, to delete the Properties you set up above.

Click ‘Add Type’ and enter ‘TV Commercials’ and Base Price ‘1’. We’ll use $1 just to demonstrate how the calculation works.

Open the folder and click ‘Add Property’ and enter ‘Number of Versions’.

Then click on the ‘Per Copy Add’ button and ‘Hide Price’ (you can choose to show or hide the price per copy form the customer).

Open the folder and click ‘Add Value’ and enter From: ‘1’ to: ‘3’ Price: ‘100’

On the next line click ‘Add Value’ and enter From: ‘4’ to: ‘6’ Price: ‘90’

The resulting pricing would be:

1 - $ 101
2 - $ 201
3 - $ 301
4 - $ 361
5 - $ 451
6 - $ 541

Click the ‘Test’ button to see this in action.

Per Copy Multiply

Another way of calculating rates is using the “Per Copy Multiply’ Option. This takes the base price and multiplies it by a fixed amount multiplied by the number of copies the customer has entered.

This is very similar to the “Per Add Copy” above except it multiplies with the base price instead of adding to it.

In this example, we’ll sell a license for “1-3 versions” for $995 per version and for “4-6 versions” for 80% of that base price. The advantage of this over the ‘Per Copy Add’ system is that you only need to change the base price and all the other prices change accordingly.

Click on “TV Commercials – Base Price: 1” and click the red delete icon to delete the Properties calculator you set up above.

Click ‘Add Type’ and enter ‘TV Commercials’ and Base Price ‘995’

Open the folder and click ‘Add Property’ and enter ‘Number of Versions’.

Then click on the ‘Per Copy Multiply’ button.

Open the folder and click ‘Add Value’ and enter From: ‘1’ to: ‘3’ Price: ‘1’

On the next line click ‘Add Value’ and enter From: ‘4’ to: ‘6’ Price: ‘0.8’

The resulting pricing would be:

1 - $ 995
2 - $ 1990
3 - $ 2985
4 - $ 3184 (20% less)
5 - $ 3980 (20% less)
6 - $ 4776 (20% less)

Click the ‘Test’ button to see this in action

Now change the Base Price to ‘250’ and see how all the other prices change accordingly.

License Types and Categories

You can add as many license types as you want and as many properties and values as you want. You can even have multiple categories such as Broadcast, Cinema, and Corporate and within each of those have multiple types, as the usages for each category may be very different. To view a complex Rate-Card, go to the ‘Rate Cards’ page and click on the ‘Advanced – Classic LQ rate card’. Click ‘Edit’ then ‘Pricing Matrix’ > ‘Edit’ and the ‘Expand All’ button and look for licensing matrix ideas for your store.

Be sure to click ‘Done’ when you’re finished and then ‘Save’ at the bottom of the Rate Card page.

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