Music Publishing and Licensing Blog

Get a license quote using our standard pricing calculator

The LicenseQuote site attracts a lot of traffic, not only from potential music publishers (i.e. copyright owners) interested in using our music publishing, licensing and ecommerce-ready store features, but also potential buyers who need music and pricing for their various upcoming media production projects. Since we continue getting inquiries from people who need “ball park” pricing figures for their projects (and often also the audio recordings!), I’ve decided to post a convenient way for them and everyone to access our standard pricing.

Standard pricing overview:
The LicenseQuote standard pricing is based on our industry pricing research which we update from time to time, and is used only as a guideline for the publisher’s standard “default” licensing profile which they can easily edit to suit their needs. For example, in some cases the editing is as simple as disabling a License type they won’t need, changing its title, or adjusting the base price percentage or actual figure, or adjusting some of the terms-of-usage property options and/or multiplier values. In other cases they may completely replace (hide or delete/remove) the standard profile and create their own custom licensing profiles, which won’t be covered here because this has been presented in other articles with future updates and examples likely following.

For some sample quotes, please use this link to our Live Demo Store.

If you would like your own music licensing calculator with store which lets you take full control of your music publishing and license pricing, please sign up for our FREE 30-day trial offer and consider getting your own LicenseQuote account. We have many affordable plan and pricing options, starting as low as $35/year which also lets you market up to 50 unique songs/tracks, which includes 50 master and 50 preview audio digital files which you can easily link to.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.

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