LicenseQuote recently developed a simple but powerful new API integration based on deep linking to specific tracks, tags, brands and keywords in one’s licensing store. Before providing some examples, I’ll post a quick introduction from our the API & Integration account page help file which says:
This API (application interface) gives you an optional integration method via several deep linking methods. For example, if you have a catalog on your website and want to add a license button next to each of your tracks, you would use the “TRACKNAME” link to offer licensing for a specific track.
Other options include direct linking to the buyer’s purchased or in-progress license negotiations page and some handy tracks list filtering and searching options such as by keyword, tag or brand name.
Tip 1: You can set up the links on a document or spreadsheet and then replace “trackname” (at end of link code) with each unique track title which you’ve set up in your Catalog on the Tracks admin page.
Tip 2: The links (URLs) must be valid and HTML encoded, this means that special characters need to be converted. For example if you have a space in the song track name, “%20” should be used instead. Here’s some helpful URL encoding resources:
URL Decoder/Encoder
HTML URL Encoding Reference
URL Encoding
Note: Your catalog can be set up manually or using the Import feature on the Tracks page in your account.
Here’s a copy of the generic link codes on the API admin page:
Licensing Store deep-linking
1. License/Buy a specific track (replace TRACKNAME): (for commercial licensing sales) (for retail sales or free download, depending on price setting)
2. List purchased licenses and ongoing negotiations:
3. List all tracks matching a certain tag (replace TAGNAME):
4. List all tracks matching a certain brand (replace BRANDNAME):
5. List all tracks matching a certain search keyword (replace KEYWORD):
6. List all tracks matching a certain genre (replace GENRENAME):
Compare with these live link examples to our Demo Licensing Store:
Song TrackName: Big Waves (used for commercial License button)
Tag: dance
Brand: Golden Classics
Keyword: instrumental
Keyword: sheet music
Note: You can also use titles or buttons for any of the above links. For example, for the track “Big Waves”, the link title would work like this: Big Waves
As you can see from the demo links above, there are several ways to use the deep linking application to feature or promote specific tracks or groups of tracks. When a trackname is applied, the link will open the page in your Store for the specific track along with the track’s title, Description, Preview “play” button and associated licensing profile. This makes it easy, for example, to send a track link by email or from an existing catalog page to directly open in your LicenseQuote Store.
Though this feature was requested most often by some of our larger library clients, who already had a catalog search interface on their websites, it can also be used by any publisher or catalog owner/manager to enhance their existing business and promotional presentations.
If you discover a unique or original application for using our API deep linking mechanism, please feel free to contact us with a summary of your experience. We’d be interested in learning how this will work on your website with your business model.
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