Music Publishing and Licensing Blog

Managing your licensing inquiries beyond the automated calculations

This article will cover some basic and advanced options to help you manage the licensing inquiries you’ll receive from music buyers who have logged in to your LicenseQuote powered store.

Default settings
On the Licensing Profiles admin page (in our LicenseQuote account), you can set the licensing inquiry options you’ll make to your licensing clients. There are three options you can select, but at least one must be selected. The default settings makes all three options available as follows:

Buyers can:

send bids and negotiate on-line

request quotes and negotiate online

use the automated licensing calculator to buy licenses

Here’s how all three of these options, for example, would appear in your store:

Select Action



Note: The Send and Print buttons are not shown in these examples. These buttons give buyers the option to Send you their licensing inquiry or Print out a copy to save for their own records. The inquiry will appear in your account on the Licensing Inquiries page, and a copy will be saved in the buyer’s account (in your store) for reference and to complete the negotiation and later access the contract, receipt and download link after the purchase has been completed.

Custom settings
If you only want to offer one or two (instead of all three), simply uncheck those. For example, if you to exclude ability to use the calculated pricing, you would uncheck the “automated licensing” option so only the other two options would function, which would appear like this on your admin page:

Buyers can:

send bids and negotiate on-line

request quotes and negotiate online

use the automated licensing calculator to buy licenses

This elminates the option for buyers to send a bid, but they can still request quotes, negotiate pricing as needed or accept the calculated (automated licensing) price if the usage options meets their needs and the pricing is acceptable.

Here’s how these two options would appear in your store:
=”AspLabel” id=”ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_lblUseLicenseCalculator”>


Keeping the option open for usage/pricing negotiation
An important point to note is that even though a calculated price appears, it’s still possible for buyers to negotiate a different price, for example based on their budget or if they need to negotiate a custom usage scenario which your rate card doesn’t specifically offer. In such case they can enter their intended usage in the description field and request a quote based on their usage scenario. You’ll receive a notification of such inquiries so you can respond with appropriate price quotes during this negotiation process. All communications will be recorded and later displayed in the Transcription section of your contract along with the final accpeted license price.

Optimizing your options by creating additional licensing profiles
If you don’t want buyers to see any calculated or suggested pricing, simply uncheck the automated licensing option. By creating more than one licensing profile, you can apply this option to some tracks in your catalog, while other tracks can be treated more like “stock music” in that only the automated “haggle free” pricing option appears, and possibly no options to place bids or request quotes, etc. In other words, depending on the nature, popularity and value of some of your tracks, you can apply the same (or similar) rate cards but with different licensing inquiry options selected for those licensing profiles.

Tips to get started…
If you’re not sure or have little direct experience with this, we recommend you start with the default settings and after getting some first-hand experience and feedback from your clients, you can then respond accordingly by editing your settings and adding new licensing profiles with the best settings to be applied to the appropriate tracks in your catalog. 

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